Thursday 15 November 2012

Keep Calm...

Some first Year work

 Been organising my laptop and found some of my work from my first year, im quite proud!

Great Books, Great Presents

I got both these books one year for christmas, great for just having a read of them, sitting in the garden (not this time of year) and great for if you are really interestind in Fashion or are studying it!

I found the illustration one is great for ideas and refrences and the Fashion Design one is great for an overall basic guide, literally covers everyhitng! No cheap books but you definatley get what you pay for as in cntents wise!

I have read parts of the Fashion design book over and over again but while I am on my placement year my aim is to read up on all my course books I have collected over the 2 years, so am reading it back to front at the moment, so will see how that goes!

Thank you all!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Death by Books

These last two days at work are goint to be the death of me, I mean its a Wednesday night at what, half 9, and I am in bed! Working, it's a killer! 

And the more i work at Oxfam the more, 1, I seem to be getting stronger, 2, I really like doing the job and 3, I am getting very managerial this week, even impressing myself!

The manager is not in at all this week so seeing as I am the deputy and I have been in nearly every day, have taken it upon myslef to organise people.

So the death by books, I have been sorting books, and probably over 100 of them, well well over 100!
Hence the muscles forming! But it has made me realise that no one at Oxfam can do everything, I have spent 2 days sorting books into an acceptable state, organsing the ones to sell and ones to recycle. So maybe my next task will be to get every volunteer to have their own responsibility, and then they focus on that when they come in.

Other than bossing people around and building up my massive muscles, this week has been normal.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Very Short Week

Due to my poorly Car I have had a very short week at work! So not much campaigning yet, but alot of shop work in those 3 days I did go in! I cleared out the office, whic I know sounds like not much to do with my Fashion Degree, But my management skills are coming along nicely!

I learnt how to do the weekly accounts, makes me feel very clever indeed!

Also getting much better at my role as Deputy manager, getting better at telling people what to do I guess, deliating jobs to people!


 It is a week today when we are going to have a little do up of our shop! I am incredibly looking forward to this and have lots of ideas! This was my original Idea...

This week my aim is to practice painting some records. These might be used for an art display and decorationg the walls!

Am going to rope in some volunteers...Any one willing? Sunday 11th if you are free for a painting and re shuffling session!
(Will bring in homemade cake)

If anyone has any ideas, we would love to hear them! I will do some more visulisations and post them up on Blogger!

We do have an incredibly small budget, so if anyone has any donations; we are in need of any furnature (we can collect), Furnature for displaing our products or garments on, also house plants, plant pots and as always clothing, shoes and accesories!